Foresters Serving Louisiana
Advanced Ecology, LTD.
Keith Webb - Environmental Operations Manager - Center, TX
Alan B. Youens
Dean, Youens, & Rosser - Graduate Forester - Atlanta, TX
Alan Springer
Southern Research Station - Forestry technician - Pineville, LA
Amanda Mahaffey
U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceME
American Forest Management
- Charlotte, NC
Azelis Agricultural & Environmental Solutions
- Shreveport, LA
Bickham L. Crooks
- Forester - Gonzales, LA
Bill Hetley, Jr .
- Mansfield, LA
Bjorn Dahl
Dahl Environmental Services LLC - Golden, CO
Bradford L. Smith
Peters Forest Resources, Inc. - Consulting Forester - Baton Rouge, LA
Brandon Melville
Bottomland Consulting Llc - Duson, LA
Brittany Benjamin
Pacific Northwest Research Station - Supervisory Forester - Pineville, LA
Buddy Rosser
Dean, Youens, & Rosser - Professional Forester - Atlanta, TX
C. D. Crain
Butch Crain, L.L.C. - Arcadia, LA
C. Ryan Jackson
Stevens Forestry Service, Inc. - Forester - El Dorado, AR
C.D. Butch Crain
Butch Crain, Llc - Arcadia, LA
Callahan Forestry Services, Inc.
- Covington, LA
Carolyn Pike
Purdue University: Reforestation, Nurseries, & Genetics Resources - Area Regeneration Specialist (Northeast) - West Layfayette, IN
Chad Still
Timberland Services, Inc. - Taylor, LA
Charles Donald, Jr.
Charles Donald Timber - President - Vicksburg, MS
Chris Bordelon
RecLand Realty, LLC - Forester/Agent (North/East/Central LA) - Monroe, LA
Christopher Young
Southern Research Station - Forestry Technician - Pineville, LA
Clay Mayo
Rainmaker Timber Consulting Llc - Trout, LA
Conservation United
Kevin Heckinger, MBA - Higley, AZ
Corey May
Corey May Forestry & Wildlife Services - West Monroe, LA
Coy Purkey
RecLand Realty, LLC - Forester/Agent - Monroe, LA
Dan Derouen
- Ville Platte, LA
Dan H. Martin
Timberland Services - Taylor, LA
Daniel R. Rush
Rush Land & Timber Management LLC - Owner - Oakdale, LA
Danielle Atkins
Land & Ladies - Owner/Forester - Brunswick, GA
David Campbell
Lousiana Division of Agriculture & Forestry - Forestry Program Director, Forest Management - Baton Rouge, LA
David Grassi, R.F.
Crest Natural Resources - President - Pineville, LA
David Helm
International Paper - West Region Manager - Shreveport, LA
David L. Lassiter
The Lassiter Company - Owner - Stonewall, LA
Division of Forestry
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs - Albuquerque, NM
Don C. Harris
Harris Timberland Management - Owner - Fordyce, AR
Don Smith
Louisiana Division of Agriculture & Forestry - Management Chief - Baton Rouge, LA
Donald J. Baker
Baker Land & Timber Management, Inc. - Alexandria, LA
Donald P. Reed
Louisiana State University - Wildlife Extension Specialist - Clinton, LA
Dovetail Partners Inc.
- Minneapolis, MN
Dr. A. Gordon Holley
Louisiana Tech University School of Forestry - Ruston, LA
Dr. D. Allen Rutherford
Louisiana State University Agricultural Center - Baton Rouge, LA
Duck Locascio
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries - Forestry Program Manager - Baton Rouge, LA
Dylan P. Schneider
Southern Research Station - Forester - Pineville, LA
E&F Resource Management, LLC
Laine Fontenot - Kinder, LA
Ed Applequist
- Consulting Forester - Center, TX
Ed O' Brien
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Sam Rayburn, TX
Epney Brasher
LA Office of Ag and Forestry - Amite, LA
Eric Gee
Southern Forest Products Assn. - Executive Director - Metairie, LA
Ewing Timber, LLC
- Ruston, LA
F L Johnson
Johnson, F L Forestry - Winnfield, LA
Forest Biometrics Research Institute
- Portland, OR
Forest Stewards Guild
- Santa Fe, NM
Gary Patterson
Patterson Forestry Consultants - Ruston, LA
George Eugene Scruggs
George Scruggs Jr, Forestry Consultant - Denham Springs, LA
George L. (Chip) Cline
Ewing Timber L.L.C. - Management Forester - Ruston, LA
Greg Hay, CF, RF
ArborGen - Reforestation Advisor - Conway, AR
Hemard & Company
Victor E. Hemard Jr. - President - Texarkana, TX
Hull Forest Products
- Pomfret Center, CT
Jacob Floyd
Southern Research Station - Forestry Technichian - Pineville, LA
James Carl Ward
- Winnfield, LA
James McKnight
Precision Forestry and Management Co LLC - DeRidder, LA
James Smith
American South Environmental Services - Certified Forester - Pineville, LA
Jarrett Bamburg
Bird Forestry - Forester - Shreveport, LA
Jay R Tidwell
Landpoint Forestry LLC - Professional Forester - Bivins, TX
Jeff Windham, R.F.
Complete Land and Timber Management, Inc. - Columbia, MS
Jeffery A. Taylor
Taylor Forestry, Inc. - President - Summit, MS
Jeremiah R Pinto
USDA Forest Service: Reforestation, Nurseries, & Genetics Resources - Research Plant Physiologist, Tribal Nursery Specialist - Moscow, ID
Jewel L. Willis
Willis & Suire Forestry Consultants - Washington, LA
JoAnne P. Barrett
Southern Research Station - Forestry Technician - Pineville, LA
John A Russo CF
Burns Forest Products, Inc. - Chief Forester & Coo - Jonesboro , LA
John Tracy
Acadian Forestry Consulting, LLC - Forester - Lemoyen, LA
Joshua Faulkner
Southern Research Station - Forestry Technician - Pineville, LA
Joshua Kirby
Southern Research Station - Biological Scientist - Pineville, LA
Justin T. Penick
Acorn Forestry - President - Lufkin, TX
Karen Johansen
Wildwood Management - Owner - Bishop, GA
Keith Hawkins
Louisiana State University Ag Center - Area Extension Forester – Southwest Louisiana - Rosepine, LA
Keith M. Frazier
Frazier Forestry, LLC - Owner - Hammond, LA
Kevin Daugherty
Forestland Associates, LLC. - Owner - Urania, LA
Kristi Wharton
Southern Research Station - Forestry Technician - Pineville, LA
Kurt R. Krueger
Larson & McGowin, LLC - Mobile, AL
Lance Childress
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester And Lease Manager - Linden, TX
Larry Butler
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester - Linden, TX
Larry Cyprian
Southern Research Station - Forester - Hammond, LA
Laura Bobbitt
Boise Inc. / Louisiana Timber Procurement - DeRidder, LA
Lewis Williams
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Lufkin, TX
Linda Ziccardi
Alpine EcoSciences LLC - Owner - Golden, CO
Louisianan Urban Forestry South (UFS)
Christopher Cooper - State Coordinator - Baton Rouge, LA
Lytle Forestry Services
James L. Lytle - Springhill, LA
Manuel & Sessions, LLC
Thomas M. Manuel - Consulting Forester - Ethel, LA
Manuel J. Jordan
Heritage Shade Tree Consultants - Excelsior, MN
Mark Drahem
JMS Forestry Associates - Nacogdoches, TX
Mark R. Hurst
Hurst Forestry Services, LLC - Owner - Clinton, LA
Mark Wilson
Ward Timber Company Inc. - HEAD FORESTER - Linden, TX
Mary S. Clapp
Stevens Forestry Service, Inc. - President - El Dorado, AR
Mason, Bruce & Girard
- Blacksburg, VA
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc.
- Portland, OR
Merlin B. Smith
Merlin Smith & Associates, Cons. For. - President - West Monroe, LA
Merlin Smith & Associates
- Monroe, LA
Michael Huffman
Pine Ridge Forestry Services, LLC - Owner/Forester - Texarkana, AR
Michael Roderick Brown
Southern Research Station - Forester - Denham Springs, LA
Mike Bird
Principal / Forester - Bird & Crawford Forestry - Center, TX
Mike Thomas, Forester
Thomas Forest Management Llc - Slaughter, LA
Mike Young
FNC Forest Resource Management - Forest Technician - Jacksonville, TX
Muslow Forestry, Inc
- Shreveport, LA
National Association of State Foresters
- Washington, DC
National Woodland Owners Association
Keith A. Argow - President, Director, At-Large - Vienna, VA
NativState Louisiana
- Monroe, LA
Natural Capital Exchange (NCX)
- San Francisco, CA
Paul F. Thompson
Farmcraft, Inc. - Oakdale, LA
Paul G. Stone
- DeRidder, LA
Paul Stone
Crosby Resource Management - DeQuincy, LA
Paul Stone
Crosby Resource Management - DeQuincy, LA
Peter Kleto
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc. - Grantville, GA
Phil Witter
Canfor Southern Pine - Environmental Manager - US Operations - Mobile, AL
Philip D. Bailey, MAI
Mason, Bruce & Girard, Inc. - Appraisal Services Group Manager - Blacksburg, VA
R. Lance Patterson
Patterson Forestry Consultants, LLC - Staff Forester - Ruston, LA
Ray L. Wilkins
Wilkins & Co. Forestry Services, L.L.C. - Homer, LA
Ray Lott
Ray Lott & Associates, Inc. - President/Consulting Forester - Texarkana, TX
Ray Newbold
Newbold Consulting, LLC - Ruston, LA
Reboot Reforestation, LLC
Connor Herndon - Sales & Customer Outreach Manager - Tuscaloosa, AL
Reed Huckabay
Roy O. Martin - Campti, LA
Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC
Billy K. Lemons - President & Principal Consultant - Nacogdoches, TX
Resource Management Service, Inc.
- Birmingham, AL
Richard W. Adams
- Haughton, LA
Ricky ONeill
Neeley Forestry Service, Inc. - Certified Wildlife Biologist and Certified Forester - Camden, AR
Robert C. Crane
Woodland Management Service - Consulting Forester - Stevens Point, WI
Robert Crosby III
Crosby Land and Resources - New Orleans, LA
Robert J. Tassin
Baker Land & Timber Management, Inc. - Forester/Silvicultural Manager - Alexandria, LA
Robert Keady
Crest Natural Resources - Central Area Forester - Pineville, LA
Robert Ogle
American Forest Management - District Manager - Natchitoches, LA
Robert R Bryan
Forest Synthesis - President/Habitat Conservation Forester - Harpswell, ME
Robin G. Willhoite
United Timber Management Co. - Consulting Forester - Timpson, TX
Ronald Frebis
City of Baton Rouge/parish of East Baton Rouge - GIS Project Manager - Baton Rouge, LA
Ronnie Edmonds
E & F Resource Management - Kinder, LA
Hunting Leases - Alexandria, LA
RoyOMartin Forestry Services
- Alexandria, LA
Ryan Manuel
Acadian Forestry Consulting, Llc - Lebeau, LA
Sam D. Crawford
Crawford Forest Resource Management, L.L.C - Consulting Forester - Shreveport, LA
Sam J. Crifasi, Jr.
- Baton Rouge, LA
Scott Assenheimer
Canvas Natural Resource Solutions, LLC - Forester-Wildlife Biologist - Longview, TX
Sean F. McKay
Regions Bank - Shreveport, LA
Sean McKay
McKay Forestry Services, L.L.C. - Benton, LA
Seth Yoho
Williams Forestry & Associates - Regional Manager - Calhoun, GA
Shortleaf Pine Initiative
- Athens, GA
Silva-Tech - South, Ltd.
Michael D. Bird, ACF - Forester - Center, TX
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update
North Carolina State University Extension Forestry - Raleigh, NC
Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc.
- Bainbridge, GA
Southern Group of State Foresters
- Garner, NC
Southern States Realty
- Mccomb, MS
Stephen Dantzler
Apex Forestry and Land Co., LLC - Professional Forester - Porter, TX
Steven K. Templin
Templin Forestry, Inc. - Professional Forester - Alexandria, LA
Teddy Reynolds, RF
Reynolds Forestry Consulting & Real Esta - Teddy Reynolds - Magnolia, AR
The Longleaf Alliance
- Andalusia, AL
Thomas Parnell
Ward Timber Company Inc. - Forester - Linden, TX
Tim Cooper
Forest Service & Supplies Inc. - Rosepine, LA
Timber Resource Management
Paul D. Smeltzer - Athens, LA
Timberland Services LLC
- Taylor, LA
Timothy Holland
Mudd & Holland Consulting Foresters - Certified Forester/Forestry Consultant - Shreveport, LA
Trey Allen
Timberland Services, Inc. - Taylor, LA
Urban Forestry Department
City of Alexandria - Alexandria, LA
Vallard (Val) Carrier
LDAF (Office of Forestry) - Oberlin, LA
Wade Dubea
LA Office of Ag and Forestry - State Forester - Baton Rouge, LA
Walsh Timber Co LLC
- Zwolle, LA
Walsh Timber Company, L.L.C.
- Zwolle, LA
Warren E. Peters
Peters Forest Resources, Inc. - President - Baton Rouge, LA
William Brown
- Merryville, LA
William K. Laenger
Regions Bank - Trust Natural Resources and Real Estate - Vice President & Senior Forester - Shreveport, LA
William Reid
Southern Research Station - Forester - Pineville, LA
Willis & Suire Forestry Consultants
- Washington, LA